Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Scorpio rising

The main character Alex Rider is very weird.  He has no family like a mom or dad.  Instead, a house keeper looks after him.  Alex also has many adventures called missions.  He does not go to school or  for that matter have someone telling him what to do. Alex could be a mini version of James Bond but without the guns.

  Alex Rider would probably think the real world to be dull and boring.  Alex would have to go to school every day.  Using the high tech gadgets used in his stories would not be allowed in school.  Going home after school Alex would probably like.  He doesn’t have a family to go home to.

  Being Alex Rider would be cool.  Traveling all around the world to new places.  Meeting all kinds of people and having one adventure after another.  The main character is also my age.  I think he even looks like me.  The stories make it easy to jump into the story and be with Alex in a mission.

Authors Note: The Alex's rider series has really entrusted ed me and love for reading.    

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