Tuesday, January 17, 2012

black ops

Authors note: I like black ops more then my mercenaries game. 

This video game starts off to when you are going to kill a man but he tricks you and your team because he had another man that looked the same as him. Your team escapes but you are not so lucky Then a man named Dragivich captures you and sends you to a prison called vorcuta Then you escape with the help of a man named reznof a Russian. You escape but reznof is not to lucky. Then you are hired by the C.I.A and they send you on multiple mission. And you find out you were brain washed.                        


  1. for the Author's note i do not get what you mean.

  2. It means just what it says. But, to make it more clear, and explain more, it should be 3 or more sentences long. Also, it needs a period at the end. I don't really get what you are trying to say in your piece. If you read it, you should also edit it, and make it understanding. Sometimes in this piece, you used good adjectives, but there is a lot that still needs to be improved. Your last sentence shouldn't be a paragraph all by itself and it needs to be two sentences because that is a run-on sentence. You may think it doesn't matter because it's a creative piece, but a creative piece still has to make sense and be spelled right.

  3. What is the true mean of black ops?
